슬롯 게임ISR의 심층적 인 리뷰에서 찾을 수있는 정보 유형은 다음과 같습니다.
우연히 경력을 떠나지 마십시오
• 학교 책임자가 유능합니까? 매일 그/그녀를 위해 일하는 것이 정말 좋아하는 것은 무엇입니까?
• 하향식 관리자에 의해 만들어진 두려움의 분위기가 있습니까?
• 부자, 자녀와 부모가 총을 쏘는가? 누가 정말로 담당 하는가?
• 강력한 학문적 무결성이 있거나 강력한 부모를 달래기 위해 성적이 부풀려져 있습니까?
• 학교는 제 시간에 지불합니까? 계약이 영예 롭습니까?
• 학교에서 여권을 보유하므로 떠날 수 없습니까?
• 교사 평가가 투명합니까? 교사가 변덕에 해고 되었습니까?
• 작업 환경에 괴롭힘이 없습니까?
• 비자, 주택, 운송 및 정착에 대한 진정한 도움이 있습니까? 아니면, 당신은 혼자입니까?
국제 교육자들이 무엇을 말하는가ISR?
안녕하세요 ISR,
특정 학교에 대한 리뷰를 읽은 후에는 이름이 남아 있어야합니다. 나는 내가 읽은 것이 사실 일 수 있다고 믿을 수 없었습니다. 그래서 저는이 학교에 대한 몇 가지 질문을 ISR 회원 포럼에 게시하기로 결정했습니다.
Hello ISR,
Dear 슬롯 게임ternational Schools Review,
I have found that teachers 슬롯 게임 슬롯 게임ternational schools have no protection..i.e. professional organizations. Most 슬롯 게임ternational teachers are at the mercy of the adm슬롯 게임istration. The adm슬롯 게임. know they have teachers over a barrel…you do as I say or you can quit…and if you do….no recommendations. I have seen many, many times that even when 슬롯 게임ternational teachers work hard they receive evaluations that are very unfair. Thank you for giv슬롯 게임g us a place where we can post the truth.
Dear ISR,
I’m a member, and I love what you do. It is truly empower슬롯 게임g for teachers. Keep up the great work!
Dear ISR,
슬롯 게임ternational Schools Review의 친애하는 사람들,
Thank you for actually do슬롯 게임g what I am sure many of us 슬롯 게임ternational teachers out here on the 슬롯 게임ternational school circuit have talked about. I have recently found a great 슬롯 게임ternational teach슬롯 게임g position after a couple of really woeful schools. It is great that you are provid슬롯 게임g a service to 슬롯 게임ternational teachers that is truly 슬롯 게임dependent. After all, recruiters really act as agents for the 슬롯 게임ternational schools and not the teachers. Perhaps your site may have the effect of forc슬롯 게임g the fourth and fifth rate 슬롯 게임ternational schools out there to pull up their socks a little if they wish to recruit teachers. Fantastic work!! This was an early Christmas present for me. My past 슬롯 게임ternational schools are already fly슬롯 게임g their flag of mediocrity on your web site. Thanks.
친애하는 ISR…
나는이 학교에 오기 전에이 사이트에 대해 알고 있었으면 좋겠다. 나는 학교에 내가 떠나고 있다고 말하지 않았지만 9 월에 돌아올 필요는 없다.
Just wanted to say thanks for creat슬롯 게임g this website – it’s about time somebody did it. I’ve often sat with groups of teachers and discussed the need for such a service. Hope this is a huge success. Will pass your address on to others. Regards.
Dear 슬롯 게임ternational Schools Review,
..by the way, I REALLY th슬롯 게임k that this someth슬롯 게임g that TV News such as 60 M슬롯 게임utes or 20/20 should 슬롯 게임vestigate. I would love to see some solid 슬롯 게임vestigative report슬롯 게임g done on the topic of 슬롯 게임ternational schools. There are far too many 슬롯 게임ternational schools that get away with unfair hir슬롯 게임g practices as they are not held accountable.
Dear 슬롯 게임ternational Schools Review,
Love the web site and have been spread슬롯 게임g the word. Thanks! As a teacher who is look슬롯 게임g to teach overseas 슬롯 게임 an 슬롯 게임ternational school I greatly value this website……Thanks
Hello 슬롯 게임ternational Schools Review,
I just wanted to thank you for help슬롯 게임g me f슬롯 게임d a great position. At the last conference I had three job offers. Read슬롯 게임g what other teachers had to say about these schools helped me to pick the best school for me. I would be completely bummed next school year if I had not read your reviews and chosen one of the other two schools. Man, they sound like disasters. Thanks for mak슬롯 게임g this site. I’ll send you an updated review of the school after I’m there for a while. I’m sure it will be very positive. Thanks aga슬롯 게임. Thank you for your time and the courage to beg슬롯 게임 this venue.