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About GLG / Gerson Lehrman Group
GLG is the world’s insight network. クイーン カジノ ルーレットlients rely on GLG’s global team to connect with powerful insight across fields from our network of 1,000,000+ experts (and the hundreds of new experts we recruit every day).
We serve thousands of the world’s best businesses, from Fortune 500 corporations to leading technology companies to professional services firmクイーン カジノ ルーレットnd financial institutions. We connect our clients to the world’s largest and most varied source of first-hand expertise, including executives, scientists, academics, former public-sector leaders, and the foremost subject matter specialists.
GLG’s industry-leading compliance framework allows clients to learn in a structured, auditable, and transparent way, consistent with their own internal compliance obligationクイーン カジノ ルーレットnd the highest professional ethical standards. Our compliance standardクイーン カジノ ルーレットre a major competitive differentiator and key component of the company’s culture.
To learn more, visit
Gerson Lehrman Group, Inc. (“GLG”) iクイーン カジノ ルーレットn equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of age, race, religion, color, marital status, disability, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any classification protected by federal, state, or local law.