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CareerCross Co., Ltd. - Feature Company

CareerCross Co., Ltd. - Feature Company

Multicultural Work Environment

Our greatest strength comes from our people with a multitude of backgroundクイーン カジノ 入金 不要nd experiences, all work together to make “CareerCross” true to its mission, bring together the best bilingual professionals in Japan with the most exciting companies. People are free to push the boundaries of their own work, the market, and the company. The atmosphere is international, homey and professional driven to be the best you can. In our company, character iクイーン カジノ 入金 不要s important as skill and they look for employees with great personalities that shine in multicultural environments.

We enjoy an open, results-oriented corporate culture that inviteクイーン カジノ 入金 不要ll staff to openly discuss issueクイーン カジノ 入金 不要t hand while working together to improve serviceクイーン カジノ 入金 不要nd contribute to realizing the company’s mission.


CareerCross: Number one for bilingual professionals.

CareerCross Co., Ltd. and its flagship website ‘CareerCross’ were founded in 2000 and are now firmly established as leaders in online recruitment for bilingual professionals in Japan and Asia.

‘CareerCross’ helps companieクイーン カジノ 入金 不要chieve their bilingual recruiting needs. What separates us from the competition is our focus on foreign-capitalized companies.

This focuクイーン カジノ 入金 不要ttracts motivated bilingual professionals, and companies seeking such highly qualified people, resulting in an exceptional match of the employer and the job seekers' needクイーン カジノ 入金 不要クイーン カジノ 入金 不要 result CareerCross enjoys high levels of satisfaction from both sides.

Messages from CareerCross Staff

  • Good office atmosphere and multinational working environment
  • Call each other includes directors by first name
  • Young staff in the Sales Team travel overseas together in private
  • It is easy to take paid leave. Work-life balance can be achieved!
  • Staff between different departments communicate actively and easy to voice your opinions
  • Even you have no confidence in your English, you have a lot of chances to be challenged using it
  • Value both team work and independent performance
  • Be part of fast pace and exciting role in the heart of Tokyo