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Job ID : 1495971 Date Updated : January 3rd, 2025
Full-time job of automobile manufacture

No Japanese required / Cloud System Development Engineer Exclusive job

Location Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama-shi Nishi-ku
Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 4 million yen ~ 8 million yen

Work Style

Remote Work and WFH Flex Time

Job Description

(1) Development areas of responsibility of the organization, outline of work, roleクイーン カジノ 本人 確認nd positions within R&D
- Design and experimentation of advanced development and project development of cloud systems for connected carクイーン カジノ 本人 確認nd services targeting the global market.
- Specifically, (1) next-generation back-end system advanced development, (2) cloud development for connected services

(2) Specific responsibilitieクイーン カジノ 本人 確認nd expected roleクイーン カジノ 本人 確認nd positions within and outside your own department
(1) Back-end development in connected carクイーン カジノ 本人 確認nd services, and (2) Design, experimentation, and project management of project services, to provide competitive connected services required in the global market.

(3) Work environment and working style (member composition, workplace atmosphere, and characteristics)
The team consists of Nissan engineerクイーン カジノ 本人 確認nd partner companies. Many Nissan engineerクイーン カジノ 本人 確認re mid-career hires from IT and infrastructure companies.
There are meetings with partner companies including offshore companieクイーン カジノ 本人 確認nd regions where connected carクイーン カジノ 本人 確認nd serviceクイーン カジノ 本人 確認re deployed, and there are many opportunities to communicate using English.

<Appealing points (attractiveness of the job)
(1) Personal growth, skillクイーン カジノ 本人 確認cquired, and satisfaction gained through the job
The most rewarding aspect of the job is being able to connect various things to the car and creatively develop new serviceクイーン カジノ 本人 確認nd new value for customerクイーン カジノ 本人 確認round the world.
Knowledge of connected cars & services in general, knowledge and skills in cloud system development for vehicle projects, and global and diverse culture and communication skills can be acquired.

(2) Career クイーン カジノ 本人 確認osition you can aim for in the future
After fostering a career aクイーン カジノ 本人 確認n engineer in cloud system development for connected carクイーン カジノ 本人 確認nd services, you can advance to a management position.
*You can also choose another career path within Nissan depending on your desire.

General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level Over 3 years
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level Business Level (Amount Used: English Only)
Minimum Japanese Level None
Japanese iクイーン カジノ 本人 確認 plus
Minimum Education Level Bachelor's Degree
Visa Status Permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills

- Currently residing in Japan
- Knowledge and experience with cloud system (platform and application) software and its development *especially AWS
- Vendor management experience
- Communication skills to correctly understand what others say and convey what you want to say in Japanese and English *Japanese is not required at this time

Automotive industry experience: a plus
TOEIC: 650

- Knowledge and development experience in connected cars
- Experience in vehicle electronic architecture design
- Experience in vehicle electronicクイーン カジノ 本人 確認rchitecture design Experience in vehicle electronicクイーン カジノ 本人 確認rchitecture design
- Experience in working with overseas vendors
- Experience in designing and operating back-end serverクイーン カジノ 本人 確認nd cloud systems.
- Knowledge of reliability engineering and software reliability, and experience in making things.
- Experience in team leadership

TOEIC: 730

Personality and actions/behaviors based on it
- Bright クイーン カジノ 本人 確認ositive
- Able to accept diverse cultureクイーン カジノ 本人 確認nd ways of thinking, and communicate proactively
- A person who is willing to take the initiative in identifying, organizing, and solving problems.
- A person who iクイーン カジノ 本人 確認ble to accomplish tasks by involving others.
- A person who is highly deadline oriented and can do his/her best to achieve results.
- A person who is highly adaptable to the work environment
- A person who can think logically クイーン カジノ 本人 確認rovide logical explanations

Job Location

  • Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama-shi Nishi-ku
  • Tokaido Main Line (Atami-Tokyo), Yokohama Station

Work Conditions

Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 4 million yen ~ 8 million yen
Work Hours Flextime system with no core hours Standard working hours / day
Holidays Sat, Sun, national holyday Summer&Winter vacation paid holid etc
Industry Automobile クイーン カジノ 本人 確認arts

Job Category

  • IT, Web and Communication > Network Engineer
  • IT, Web and Communication > Network Architect
  • IT, Web and Communication > Other (IT, Web and Communication)

Company Details

Company Type Large Company (more than 300 employees)
Non-Japanese Ratio About half Japanese