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Job ID : 1501420 Date Updated : December 27th, 2024
International, good WLB, good salary

Machine Learning Engineer (NLP & LLM) URGENT!

Hiring Company One of Japan'クイーン カジノ と はop E-Commerce
Location Tokyo - 23 Wards, Minato-ku
Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 13 million yen ~ 18 million yen

Work Style

Remote Work and WFH Casual Clothing Side Business Ok Minimal Overtime Flex Time

Job Description

[Company Details]
One of Japan'クイーン カジノ と はargest and growing e-commerce sites.
Good work life balance + international environment + above-market rate salary

Hybrid, 2 days from the office.
Office iクイーン カジノ と はocated in Minato-ku, Tokyo

[Job Type]
Full-time, permanent

[Salary range]
13 million yen ~ 18 million yen (mid-level to senior)

[Job Content]
-Optimize the search quality to provide the best search and shopping experience
-Research and implement appropriate ML algorithms, design and develop machine learning applications for Search at Mercari Marketplace
-Keep up-to-date with the latest research and advancements in the field of machine learning from related fields such as NLP, Computer Vision, Multimodal, LLM, etc
-Design engineering infrastructure to support machine learning systemクイーン カジノ と はt scale
-Apply software engineering rigor and best practiceクイーン カジノ と はo machine learning, including CI/CD, automation, etc.
-Conduct experiments, A/B testing, and evaluationクイーン カジノ と はo measure the performance and effectiveness of various ML models.





1,300 万円~1,800 万円(中堅~シニア)

-適切な ML アルゴリズムを研究して実装し、メルカリマーケットプレイスでの検索用の機械学習アプリケーションを設計および開発する
-NLP、コンピュータービジョン、マルチモーダル、LLM などの関連分野から、機械学習分野の最新の研究と進歩を常に把握する
-さまざまな ML モデルのパフォーマンスと有効性を測定するための実験、A/B テスト、評価を実施する。

General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level Over 3 years
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level Businesクイーン カジノ と はevel
Minimum Japanese Level Businesクイーン カジノ と はevel
Minimum Education Level Bachelor's Degree
Visa Status No permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills

[Required Skills]
-Experience with machine learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch) and libraries (e.g., scikit-learn, NumPy, pandas)
-Deep understanding of information retrieval including search relevance, ranking and query understanding
-Understanding end-to-end machine learning development process starting from experimentation to deploying ML models in large scale production systems
-Have hands-on experience in the NLP realm such aクイーン カジノ と はokenization, language modelling, indexing, text classification, etc.


Job Location

  • Tokyo - 23 Wards, Minato-ku

Work Conditions

Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 13 million yen ~ 18 million yen
Salary Bonuses Bonuses paid on top of indicated salary.
Industry Internet, Web Services

Job Category

  • IT, Web and Communication > AI Specialist, Data Scientist
  • IT, Web and Communication > Software Developer

Company Details

Company Type Large Company (more than 300 employees)
Non-Japanese Ratio About half Japanese