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Job Posting

Job Posting

This section gives you access to all job posting related functions such as post, delete, refresh, hide, update descriptions, and export.

Job Postings

1.Post / Edit Jobs

To post a new job, click “Post a New Job” and enter the job details on the form. To edit a job, click the “Edit” link on the right side of the table. There are a lot of fields in the job form and while some are not required, your job haクイーン カジノ 評判 better chance of being seen by more candidates if you fill in as much detail as possible.

2.Refresh Jobs

Refreshing a job saves the current date as the date the job was posted. New jobクイーン カジノ 評判ppear at the top of job listings, so refreshing your jobs regularly helps to increase your exposure.
クイーン カジノ 評判an refresh jobs individually by clicking on the dark-blue “Refresh” icon in the “Date Refreshed” column. To refresh multiple jobs, click the check boxes of the jobs you want to refresh, and then click the “Refresh” button at the top of the table.

3.Viewing Sub-Account

Job Postings
To view jobs for each Sub-Account, please select the “Open Account” drop down menu and choose account you wish to view.