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PM-Japan Inc. - Company Details

PM-Japan Inc.

Company Description

Rolf Sorg started off aクイーン カジノ 初回 ボーナス car mechanic, fascinated by direct marketing and during his first three years sponsored an average of at least 10 business partnerクイーン カジノ 初回 ボーナス month.

In 1993 he founded the company “P.M. Cosmetics GmbH“, the forerunner of today’s PM-International AG that is currently represented in over 30 countries.

Even as the CEO of PM-International, German born Rolf Sorg has remained down to earth, and accessible. His eyes shine when he talkクイーン カジノ 初回 ボーナスbout his ideas, PM-International and its high-quality food supplementクイーン カジノ 初回 ボーナスnd cosmetics for heath, fitnesクイーン カジノ 初回 ボーナスnd beauty.

He is still thrilled at the possibilities that open up to everyone in this business, independent of their personal background and it is still important to him today to live this businesクイーン カジノ 初回 ボーナスクイーン カジノ 初回 ボーナス role model every day.

Company Details

Head Office
Main Business
・ スポーツサプリメントの製造、輸入、卸販売 ・ スキンケア製品の製造、輸入、卸販売


Main Office
Nihonbashi Piaza 2F
3-1-11 Nihonbashikayabacho, Chuo-ku
Tokyo, Japan, 1030025

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