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Kouken - Company Details


Company Description

クイーン カジノ visaompany was established in 1958, and for more than 60 years we have focused on advertising and sales promotion in order to solve クイーン カジノ visaustomers' problems.

In recent years, we have entered the education business, aiming to be a company that contributes to society by nurturing the children who will carry the future of society.

Our goal is to contribute to society through our businesクイーン カジノ visactivities, and to share the happiness of the employees involved in our businesクイーン カジノ visas they grow together through their work and through the organization.

【Business Description】

School Business
We are a franchisee of the クイーン カジノ visauot;Motivation Switch Groupクイーン カジノ visauot; and currently operate 7 schools under the 3 brands of クイーン カジノ visauot;Kids Duoクイーン カジノ visauot;, クイーン カジノ visauot;School IEクイーン カジノ visauot;, and クイーン カジノ visauot;Child Eyesクイーン カジノ visauot; in the East and West Japan areas.
In the education industry, which has been heating up more and more in recent years, we aim to be an indispensable presence for the local child-rearing generation, not only by enhancing the content of our classeクイーン カジノ visand lessons, but also by placing importance on the sales promotion methodクイーン カジノ visand customer relations that we have cultivated in the advertising industry.

Sales promotion business
We started our business by providing sales promotion support for chain stores in Osaka, and have since expanded our business domain to include sales promotion for commercial facilities.
Currently, we are based in Osaka, Tokyo, Nagoya, and Fukuoka, and are developing our business in cooperation with other regions.
We develop total advertising strategies for クイーン カジノ visalients' sales promotion and customer attraction activities.
Based on the issueクイーン カジノ visand budget, we provide a wide range of services such as flyers, posters, decorations, events, campaigns, web, and SNS management. We support our clients' sales promotions by maximizing our ideaクイーン カジノ visand ingenuity.

Company Details

Head Office
Main Business
スクール事業(やる気スイッチグループFC加盟)【Kids Duo】【スクールIE】【チャイルド・アイズ】運営、その他広告、セールスプロモーションなど
青木 大造
Number of Employees
101 - 500


Main Office
9F, Kodenmacho shin-nihonbashi Building,
4-9, Kodenmacho, Chuo-ku
Tokyo, Japan, 1030001

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