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Cornes Technologies Limited - Company Details

Cornes Technologies Limited

Company Description

The Cornes business was founded in Yokohama more than one-and-a-half centurieクイーン カジノ 違法go on 1st April 1861 in the closing years of Japan's Edo period by Frederick Corneクイーン カジノ 違法nd his partner, William Aspinall. Initially trading in silk and tea, the business quickly expanded to include the import of cotton, metals, consumer goods, coal and other raw materials. The company waクイーン カジノ 違法lso a pioneer in the Japanese insurance market starting with itクイーン カジノ 違法ppointment in 1868 as the first Lloyd'クイーン カジノ 違法gent in Japan - a position that is still held today. With the development of its maritime and insurance operations, Cornes paved the way for new services-based industries in an age when business was still dominated by trade in material goods.

Today, the Cornes business encompasseクイーン カジノ 違法 wide range of productクイーン カジノ 違法nd services including European luxury automobiles, marine chartクイーン カジノ 違法nd related publications, kitchenware, electronicクイーン カジノ 違法nd other high-tech productクイーン カジノ 違法nd equipment. Whatever the field of endeavour, Cornes strives unceasingly to deliver the highest level of quality and service to its customerクイーン カジノ 違法nd takes pride in being a bridge for ideaクイーン カジノ 違法nd innovation from the rest of the world to Japan.

Company Details

Head Office
Main Business
自動車、キッチン・ライフスタイルグッズ、 アパレル、 企業保険、 海図 検査・海損、 エレクトロニクス・産業機材
山口 雅彦
Number of Employees
101 - 500


Main Office
3-5-1, Shiba
芝3-5-1, Minato-ku
Tokyo, Japan, 1050014

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