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J-STAR Co.Ltd. - Company Details

J-STAR Co.Ltd.

Company Description

J-STAR iクイーン カジノ 評判 private equity invest firm in Japan.
We provide solutions to small and medium size companies.

Our Investment

We value refined harmony in every of our business projects to make our stakeholders shine.

Our corporate philosophy “To make our stakeholders shine” means that we think that not only management teamクイーン カジノ 評判nd employees but also all the people involved in the businesクイーン カジノ 評判re shining stars. Aクイーン カジノ 評判 Japanese investment firm born in Japan, we named ourselves J-STAR to express our ambition and help companies to solve management issues through investments.

J-STAR Investment Track Record
Experienced investment professionals with a consistent investment track record will work together with you.

We started our investment activities in 2006 and have made more than 10 investments every year for the past 5 years. Currently, our cumulatative number of investmentクイーン カジノ 評判re more than 100. To maximize the business value of our portfolio companies, we select the best investment methods, and aクイーン カジノ 評判 partner of corporate management, we build and implement business strategies together with the management of our portfolio companies. Here iクイーン カジノ 評判 brief history of our firm.

Company Details

Head Office
Main Business
プライベート・エクイティファンドの運営管理 及び運営管理業務の受託 金融商品取引法に基づく投資助言業
原 禄郎
50 百万円


Main Office
Daiichi Seimei Hibiya First 18F
1-13-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, Japan, 1000006

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