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Hella Japan Inc. - Company Details

Hella Japan Inc.

Company Description

Hella - Ideas today for the cars of tomorrow Electronicクイーンカジノ おすすめスロット 口コミnd Light for the automotive industry and automotive products for the aftermarket and garageクイーンカジノ おすすめスロット 口コミre the core business fields of Hella KGaA with its group headquarters in Germany. Approximately 24,000 people are employed at more than 70 manufacturing facilities, production subsidiarieクイーンカジノ おすすめスロット 口コミnd joint ventures throughout the world. More than 2,900 engineerクイーンカジノ おすすめスロット 口コミnd technicians work in research and development. Our customers include all leading automotive and system manufacturers, as well as the automotive parts trade. In the financial year 2005/06 (May 31), the consolidated turnover for the Hella group was 3.4 billion Euros. Hella rankクイーンカジノ おすすめスロット 口コミs one of the 100 largest German industrial companies. www.hella.com

Company Details

Head Office
Main Business
Automotive Electronics
Dr. Rolf Breidenbach
Number of Employees
Over 1,000


Main Office
西新宿1-20-3, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo, Japan, 1600023

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