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クイーンカジノ おすすめスロットton Taiyo Tax Corporation - Feature Company

クイーンカジノ おすすめスロットton Taiyo Tax Corporation - Feature Company

Yoichi Ishizuka
CEO - tax accountant and certified public accountant,
クイーンカジノ おすすめスロットton Taiyo Tax Corporation

“You will never know until you join.”  I think that organizationクイーンカジノ おすすめスロットre just like that no matter how pleasant sounding a recruitment pitch is to the ear.  Really good companies create opportunities for growth.  We would like to hear and be known aクイーンカジノ おすすめスロット tax corporation that can create the greatest opportunities in Japan.  Our strength is in human resource development, focusing on each member’s points of strength and areas of specialization rather than just mending their shortcomings.  In consideration of each person’s goals or which path they would like to pursue, we share ideas on how to realize respective goals, and create opportunities for growth.  Aクイーンカジノ おすすめスロット result, as each of us grows into the professional we want to be leveraging our respective strengths, I believe that we, aクイーンカジノ おすすめスロットn organization, will also grow large, and this will lead to the growth of our customers.  Preserving and promoting such a belief, our name cards bear the inscription “An instinct for growth.”  We sincerely hope that you will lend us your support."

Yoichiro Sato
Managing Partner, Director - tax accountant,
クイーンカジノ おすすめスロットton Taiyo Tax Corporation

“What kind of personal traits does Grant Thornton Taiyo seek?”  When I am asked that question, I always speak from the following three points of view: “outside,” “organization,” and “individual.” “Outside” iクイーンカジノ おすすめスロット point of view of whether the person is of value for customers.  Although it is, of course, important to have an ability to make the right decisions with a level of expertise and logical thinking, it is equally important to take an active interest in a client aクイーンカジノ おすすめスロット people and a company.  Next comes “organization.”  As long as you work in an organization, you must gain recognition in it.  In order to firmly build up trustful relationships in a professional organization, not only technical theory but also a level of sincerity and communication skillクイーンカジノ おすすめスロットre requisite.  However, if you clear the two, if there iクイーンカジノ おすすめスロット lack of motivation or ambition on the part of an individual, it will all come to nothing.  The most important thing aクイーンカジノ おすすめスロット tax accountant is to always keep yourself active in the improvement of your knowledge and humanity, etc.  So, we want to respond to your motivation.  We offer “opportunities” and await your arrival, in other words, “work by which you can acquire and enhance your expertise.”

Hiroyuki Hamamura
Representative Director, Partner - tax accountant,
クイーンカジノ おすすめスロットton Taiyo Tax Corporation

In our world, there are “thinkers” and “answer seekers.”  “Thinkers” resent being given an answer, saying “When I was thinking of the answer, why did you say that?”  “Answer seekers” are annoyed with being given a hint, saying “I don’t want any hints but I want you to give me the answer matter of factly.”  Most of the issues that we confront in work at Grant Thornton Taiyo have no model answers.  You cannot earn a customer’s trust and level of satisfaction by merely applying the law without understanding various backgrounds.  What is important is to “think.”  That is, to have a deep interest in your customer’s businesクイーンカジノ おすすめスロットnd the issues they face and understand them and then present your customer with clear-eyed proposals.  The first step to becoming an irreplaceable partner starts from there.